It all began in December 1998, with a breath and a heartbeat

Two Rhythms began in the late 1990s when Dilys Price OBE founded the charity, previously known as Touch Trust. Dilys was a dancer, educator, and model; later, she was renowned as the world’s oldest skydiver. Dilys completed 1,139 solo skydives, including one aged 81 in 2013.
…the most disabled children and adults are isolated from the good things in life. I’d like to have taken them on a skydive, but I realised that probably wasn’t going to pass health and safety!
Dilys Price OBE
Founder of Two Rhythms
So Dilys created ‘the next best thing to a skydive’, a programme of music, movement, light and colour. This programme, now called Two Rhythms, has been utilised with thousands of guests across the UK.
Celebrating 25 years
In December 2023, Two Rhythms began celebrating the 25th anniversary with a new name, and a new brand that represents all our guests.
Remembering Dilys Price
OBE, M.Ed, B.Ed, Hon Fellow, CMU
1932 – 2020
Dilys created the Two Rhythms method in 1996, founded the company in 1998 before it became a charity in 200.
She was a truly inspirational woman; her vision and drive enabled many people with complex needs to enjoy and be part of creative activities and projects. Sharing our achievements with the world was always important to Dilys. She took up parachuting in 1986 and carried out more than 1,130 solo jumps around the globe, with her parachute jumps raising thousands of pounds for the various charities she supported.
Dilys was awarded an OBE for her services to people with special needs in 2003. She was honoured for her work at the Pride of Britain awards in 2017, and in 2018 she was included by Wales’ Women’s Equality Network among 50 living women who have influenced Welsh life. She was made an honorary fellow at University of Wales Trinity Saint David in July 2018 and also Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Dilys’ achievements and accolades:
Founded Two Rhythms
OBE for Services to Special Needs and Education 2002
Honorary Fellow C.M.U 2011
Inspire Wales Award for Services to Art in Wales 2012
Lifetime Achievement Award – National Diversity Awards 2014
Lifetime Achievement Award – Wales Care Awards 2014
Guinness World Records Holder 2013 – Worlds Oldest Female Skydiver
Old & Bold Award Royal Aero Club of Great Britain 2015
Senior Lecturer in Physical Education, Dance & Special Needs

I am proud that I have been able to copyright and license the program with the plan to take it to those many more who could benefit from its unique power and beauty. I want to reach the world.
Dilys Price
OBE, M.Ed, B.Ed, Hon Fellow, CMU
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Please share them with us via the form below.