How to donate

For over 25 years, we have brought the joy of imagination to thousands of guests. Through our unique and innovative programme, we have danced together, sung together and learned from one another. Imagination is our craft, our method and our gift.

Just imagine what we could do with your support.


pays for art supplies to allow our guests to express themselves creatively


could pay for a Two Rhythms Creative Facilitator to provide a one-to-one session


allows us to reach even more people through an outreach session at a care home, school or community group

Everyone has the power to imagine, whatever their abilities

Hiroko Uenishi
Programme and Project Manager

How you can help…

Make a donation by debit/credit card

Make a donation every month by Direct Debit

Fundraise for us – whether you are running, baking or even jumping out of a plane!

Give a gift in memory of someone special or leave a gift in your will

Over 90%

of our income is spent on charitable activities

Our work is made possible by our generous supporters, and the following organisations

Don’t take our word for it…

Thank you all for all the lovely sessions we have been so lucky to enjoy through this project. They really are some of our most favourite memories from the difficult months we’ve all had of late. We are forever grateful. Thank you!